
Qixin Wu is an experienced textile/surface designer based in NYC.

She was born in Fujian, China, achieved her bachelor's degree in Shanghai. Then she came to Philadephia, finished her exchange program and master’s degree in textile design.

After being in the textile industry for over 7 years, she still enjoys every second of creating new. She loves to capture every remarkable moment with photos and paintings, keeps thinking with robust enthusiasm.

Besides her commercial achievements, she also founded a non-profit online magazine from 2016 to 2019 in China.

The deeper she knows the world, the more curiosities grow in her mind. The bio-cultural journey values her life.

Design death blooming

I am always thinking , how to define “design”?

It is an artwork and consequently leads the trend? Or an expression from the bottom of the designer’s heart and also fit the market requirement? Maybe there is no answer so that the design thinking will be never ended.

My story starts from


And photographer?

Check our my photographies on http://unsplash.com/@echowqx

Check our my photographies on http://unsplash.com/@echowqx

Graphic Designer?

Book Cover

Book Cover


Or Writer?

Multi-layers artwork can give readers curiosity, multi-layers Echo does also.